Your Perspective Matters


What are you afraid of or not afraid of during this time that has been labeled a pandemic due to COVID-19?  It is interesting to listen to what people are sharing about what is taking place each day which truly is a moving target that can be very distracting.  Some are sharing that it is a terrible time, some are saying it is a time of great possibilities and yes there are many variations in between both.  What is your view of these current times?

More important than ever your perspective matters on how you view and engage each day.  It truly does! Now I cannot convince you about this but I can share why I feel your spark of light not only has significance for you personally but to all of humanity as well.  This may seem a bit overwhelming or not conceivable and again that is OK. Your focus, view, behavior, and beliefs all have an impact that is beyond what the personality can truly understand. To add a sweet tidbit here is for you to consider that all of your personal perspectives are energetic.

This can be a very long blog on what I am touching on but I prefer to keep my blogs short. So I am going to focus on two things and it is this…your perspectives have to do with love or fear.  It is simply your choice. If you continue to view the current state of affairs, your triggers, others’ beliefs, or events in a fear-based view you will continue to energetically feed what you don’t want or what you want to get away from. Now the same goes for love. When you choose to engage in your life as an observer you choices immediately expand. You have the freedom of choice to view through the eyes of love which will invite a healthy vibrational quality and mindful clarity that would not be there if you continue to feed the fearful energetic perspective.

Let me ask you then…would you rather be in a contracted, closed, and anxious state by feeding fear-based energy or would you prefer to be expanded, open, and in a peaceful state by inviting love in all that is presented to you even if you are wanting it to be different? Yes, dear precious soul, the choice is yours.

I welcome hearing your thoughts about choosing to live from love or from a fear-based state and know I am here for you to provide teachings, guidance, and energetic transmissions during your journey on earth.

Loving life, JoAnne